Hundreds of Workouts in Your Pocket

Whether you would like to change things up, supplement or replace your existing training structure, PXU has something for you. Workouts are fun and challenging, properly strengthening and conditioning the body.

Workouts Designed with You in Mind.

  • Adapaptable To Life Challenges & Schedules

    Work with what you got!

    PXU is specifically designed to accommodate all life’s challenges with maintaining consistency on the go by providing a diverse training program that is ready to go whenever and wherever you are, while also providing guidance on how to train properly whether you have access to a full gym or no equipment at all.

  • All Levels

    Workouts are very easy to follow.

    Each workout consists of 3 Groups of 3 Exercises to be done in 3 sets. First set of 3 exercises Jirina will do with you following the prescribed number of repetitions and form. Sets 2 and 3 are presented as a collage to perform the exercises on your own. Realistically, as the body fatigues, you may need to change your tempo or rest longer between reps. The collage will allow you to pace your training properly and safely.

Intensity Levels

  • Shorter in length (20-30 min)

    Perfect for those just starting out. Exercises are simpler with lower repetitions. Preparing the body for the Intermediate section.

  • Medium in length (30-40 min)

    With more complex exercises and introduction to combinations, these workouts are perfect for those whose body is familiar with training. Repetitions are moderate in length.

  • Longer in length (40-50 min)

    Perfect for those whose body is well conditioned and is in need of more intense workouts. Some exercises and combinations are difficult and complex. Repetitions are moderate to high. (See FAQ for guidance on reducing the length of a workout if needed)

  • Very long in length (60 min+)

    Workouts in this section are not suited for everyday training and are not recommended for beginners. These workouts will require a fully recovered body with increased days of rest after completion. Choose them for once in a blue moon shock for the machine.

  • Various in length and intensity level

    This section offers Special Holiday workouts, unique equipment or requires a skill. For example: Jump rope HIIT, TRX equipment, Halloween Special, etc. Intensity level is written to each workout individually.


Each intensity level is divided according to the Environment & Equipment.


In addition, The App provides full videos for general warm up, stretch and foam rolling to properly care for your body before and after training, which is the most important and many times the most neglected element in training. These PXU videos can supplement or replace your existing pre/post routines.

Jirina Harastova has been a Life Coach and Fitness Trainer since 2005, enhancing bodies and minds, improving people's lives. This application is an extension of her training and community, now available to the whole world.

Workouts with Beautiful Scenery from Around the World.


  • ˈfālaNGks

    A community or a group of people who unite for a purpose

  • yü-ˈbi-kwə-tē

    Presence everywhere or in many places especially simultaneously : omnipresence


No subscriptions. No memberships. No commitments.


The PXU App is completely free to download. All purchases are within the app.

With PXU you never have to worry about trying to figure out how to maintain your fitness while traveling for work, going on vacations or simply being in your favorite local gym.